Friday, May 23, 2008


It has been awhile since my last post. It is the Friday before Memorial day and I am very bored at work today so I figured I can post today. A few new developments in my life; My eldest niece M graduated from her first year of preschool and the program was tons o'fun. They had paper caps and got diplomas. My betta McLovin passed away on Tuesday :( He was a good fishie! My friend Nat and I went and got some female bettas. They can be in the same tank without killing each other.I named mine Princess Aurora and Lois. Her 2 are Princess Jasmine and Dolce. I know I lead a pretty boring life. Fish talk and preschool graduation, woo hoo! My foot is healing pretty well the scar is still really ugly. I hope I can do Strut your Mutt without being in too much pain.
I havent had much luck raising money for the cause. I would really appreciate any donations!! No More Homeless Pets in Utah is a great organization that saves the lifes of hundred of dogs and cats. The name of my dog pack is Fun Size Variety Pack. All our dogs are different breeds and small in stature. If you would like to make a cash or check donation please contact me. You can make a secure donation with your CC via my fundraising page

1 comment:

janana said...

I believe you can just click on the question, It should take you to the quiz.